Clinical Trials

Highest ranked medical journals in 2021

Below listed medical journals are the top ten journals with the highest impact factor* in the “General Medicine” and “Internal Medicine” categories of in the 2020 edition of Clarivate Analytics Journal Citation Report (JCR) and the Scimago Journal Ranking (SJR) found in Scopus. 

JCR top-ranked medical journals in 2021

Click on the journals to access the latest issue in full text 

  1. New England Journal of Medicine
  2. The Lancet (British edition)
  3. JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association
  4. BMJ. British Medical Journal (International ed.)
  5. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
  6. Annals of Internal Medicine
  7. BMJ Open
  9. PLoS Medicine
  10. Journal of Clinical Medicine

Please see the Journal Citation Reports for all 165 journals listed in this category in JCR or explore other medical categories such as “Infections Diseases”, “Emergency Medicine”, “Micro biology”, Cardiac and cardiovascular systems” etc.

* Impact factor calculation: the JCR Journal Impact Factor is the average number of times articles from the journal published in the past two years have been cited within the JCR year. The impact factors are calculated based on journals and citation counts included in the database Web of Science- Core Collection only.

SJR top-ranked medical journals in 2021

Click on the journals to access the latest issue in full text 

  1. Ca-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians
  2. The Lancet (British edition)
  3. New England Journal of Medicine
  4. Nature Reviews Cancer 
  5. Nature Reviews Immunology
  6. Nature Reviews Genetics
  7. Physiological Reviews
  8. Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology
  9. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine
  10. The Lancet Oncology

Please see the Scimago Journal Ranking in Scopus for all journals listed in this category or top cited journals in other medical specialties. The Scimagio Journal Ranking is only one of several different journal metrics available in Scopus. “SNIP” impact factors and “CiteScore” are two other examples. The “Compare Sources” function makes it possible to generate comparing graphs and metrics for up to 10 different journals at the same time. 

* Impact factor calculation: Scopus CiteScore is the number of citations received by a journal in one year to documents published in the three previous years, divided by the number of documents indexed in Scopus published in those same three years.